Lots to report. As our group continues to grow, so too does our fun level. We continue to see new players each week. We will also be starting a more formal pickleball orientation/introduction opportunity in a couple of weeks. Someone you know would welcome your invitation to join in the fun.
Our capital campaign continues to get traction. We currently have over $85,000 of the $180,000 required to construct our new pickleball complex! While we have received some monies from local clubs, organizations, and businesses, 47 of your fellow players have donated almost $70,000 toward this project. We still have a long way to go, so if you are able, please contribute whatever you can.
Our 2023 Membership drive will begin next week. Your annual dues will remain the same, $20 individual, $30 family, students free. Please keep in mind that 100% of your daily play fee goes to the Isle School District, so the IAPA depends heavily on membership. To facilitate payment, a QR code will be provided at the courts and checks or cash should be routed to our Treasurer (Karen Tramm).
In summary I would like to extend a HUGE thanks to our donors and also Isle schools for our facility access. Hope to see you soon!